4 тур -блиц "Бумеранг"  

Задания 4 тура
В блиц-тур вошли 10 лучших, по мнению жюри, вопросов составленных командами - участниками игры.
1. What often falls and never gets hurt?

2. What was the first name of New York?

3. How many years do the young English stay at school in Great Britain?

4. What is the highest mark in British schools?

5. In what English letter sits a bee?

6. After a terrible storm he found himself on a desert island. He lived there for 28 years. What is the original name of the English writer who wrote this novel?

7. What is Christmas cake before it is put into the oven?

8. What is the difference between English and Russian tea?

9. When did the Christmas tree gain popularity in England and in Russia?

10. Write the past form of the verbs and choose the letter (the number is given in the brackets) for a new word.
SEE(3) SAY (3) KNOW (2) BUILD (5) SPEAK (5) WRITE (2)

Ответы на задания 4 тура
1. Snow, rain, snowflakes
2. New Amsterdam was Dutch colonial settlement that later became the city now known as New York City.
3. Eleven. They start studying at 5 and finish secondary school at 16. 11 or 13
4. The best mark in Great Britain is «A»
5. Letter B
6. Daniel Foe. Daniel later added the aristocratic sounding "De" to his name .
7. dough
Это загадка. Чем был рождественский пирог до того как его положили в печь?
Ответ : тестом
8. In Russia usually drink tea at that time, when it wanted, but England has a tradition, the Englishmen drink tea at five o''clock. And more: in England drink tea with milk. Russian tea with lemon.
9. It is believed that in England the first Christmas tree was installed in 1841, when Queen Victoria married a German Albert of Saxe-Coburg.
The tradition of celebrating the New Year with a Christmas tree appeared in Russia under Peter I. In 1699, he issued a decree that introduced a new chronology - from Christmas and New Year commanded to celebrate the European way - 1 January. Imperial decree to all the inhabitants of Moscow were ordered to celebrate the New Year: New Year''s Eve to light the fires, let the fireworks, congratulate each other, decorate houses with pine trees

При составлении вопросов игры была использована литература:
1) Пословицы http://www.idiomcenter
2) 300 riddles for school, Учпедгиз ,1963
3) Калинина Л.В. Предметная неделя английского языка в школе. Ростов-нА-Дону «Феникс», 2005
4) English for fun-1, Дрофа, М., 2001
5) Ромашкова Е.Н. День рождения в семье и школе. ,Творческий Центр, М., 2003
6) Have your fan! Игры со словами, Лист М., 1998

Ccылки на другие страницы
1 тур "Знакомство"
2 тур "История одного открытия"
3 тур "Мир вокруг нас"


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