3 тур "Мир вокруг нас"  

Задания 3 тура
1 вопрос:
Узнаваемые символы есть у каждой страны. Посмотрите на фото и расскажите на английском языке, каким странам они принадлежат, чем отличаются и что у них общего.
2 вопрос:
Британцы гордятся тем, что заметно отличаются от любой другой нации мира; в частности, в некоторых англоговорящих странах принято предупреждать иностранных гостей (как водителей, так и пешеходов) о непривычных для них условиях движения. Посмотрите на фотографии. Справа — дорожный знак на Great Ocean Road в Австралии, а слева — пешеходный переход неподалеку от Трафальгарской площади в Лондоне.
О чём предупреждает данный дорожный знак?
Для каких стран, кроме Великобритании и Австралии, справедливо такое предупреждение?
Улицы и знаки
3 вопрос:
Знаменитому красному лондонскому двухэтажному автобусу «дабл-деккеру» исполнилось пятьдесят пять лет. Почему он имеет такую необычную форму? Чем отличается этот автобус от современного автобуса? Как вы думаете, какие проблемы бывают у двухэтажных автобусов?

Ответы на задания 3 тура
First question
Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London in Britain. The name “Big Ben” is derived from the Name of the Thirteen Ton Bell installed inside The Clock Tower of Westminster Palace. It is the largest four-faced chiming clock.
The Spasskaya Tower is located in Russia. It is the main tower of the Moscow Kremlin. Its second name is Frolovskaya after the Church of Frol and Lavr in the Kremlin. The tower''s modern name comes from the icon of Spas Nerukotvorny (Divine Savior).

Big Ben was built in 1288. The Spasskaya Tower was built in 1491. They are in the capitals and they are the main clocks of their country. Big Ben has no star above it. Big Ben is 61 m high, the Spasskaya tower is 71 m. Big Ben is grey and has a white clock face. The Spasskaya Tower is red and has a black clock face.
Big Ben’s hour hand is 2.7 metre long and the minute hand is 4.3 metres. The Spasskaya Tower’s hour hand is 2.97 metres long and the minute hand is 3.27 metres.
Both towers are in the capitals of their countries.
Both towers have clocks at four sides.
Both towers are in an architectural complex.
Numbers on the faces are Roman.

Second question
Left-hand drive is a very old tradition. It comes from ancient times when there was horse riding in the world. There are lots of countries which have left-hand drive now. Most of them are ex-British colonies. They are Great Britain, Australia, Malta, Nepal, Japan, India, Ireland, Cyprus, Thailand and others. There are 76 countries on this list.

Third question
The red double-decker buses in London have become an icon of Britain. This bus has two levels. The bus was built by Associated Equipment Company (AEC) in 1954. The length of transport was limited in London. Buses were traditionally red, as well as mail boxes and phone boxes.
The red bus received the square form so that was a lot of place inside and English gentleman.
could not remove their cylinders. Nowadays the bus is the same form because Englishmen are true to their traditions. The bus has an open platform, while exposed to the elements, allowed boarding and alighting away from stops; and the presence of a conductor allowed minimal boarding time and optimal security, although increased labour costs.

Double-decker buses have many disadvantages compared to the single-decker, including:

- More time loading and unloading of passengers.
- Higher operating costs due to more complex design of this device.
- Getting to the upper floor is inconvenient for the elderly, people with prams, people with disabilities.
- Requires a large height of garages and warehouses.

However, there are many advantages:

- Large capacity at a relatively small length. - Better control of travel payment.
- Better mobility and dynamics.
- Convenience to passengers. Buses are designed primarily for the carriage of seated passengers.

Ccылки на другие страницы
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2 тур "История одного открытия"


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